A healthy metabolism—for life

Twin Health helps members achieve sustainable weight loss and freedom from chronic metabolic conditions like obesity, prediabetes and type 2 diabetes for a healthier, happier life.

Better health by the numbers

Our precision program, tailored to meet the needs and preferences of each unique member, delivers life-changing results—in less than six months.

Elimination of medications for those on high-cost diabetes meds*
Reduction in blood sugar/A1C for members starting at >8.0*
Average additional pounds lost after going off GLP-1s*
*Average results from a 2023 assessment of Twin Health’s commercial population
Learn about our impact

How Twin Health works

Our program addresses the root cause of unhealthy weight gain, insulin resistance, and metabolic conditions on an individualized basis for sustainable outcomes.

Step 1.

We consult with partners to define their solutions

Using clinical data, we team up with our partners to understand needs, develop parameters for healthy weight and prediabetes/type 2 diabetes programs, and identify eligible members.

Step 2.

We proactively contact and enroll members

With our partners, we conduct proactive outreach, confirming members’ eligibility, gathering necessary health data, and activating their no-cost health benefit.

Step 3.

We send a welcome kit

A Twin Health coach meets with each member and then ships them a welcome kit containing smart devices and wearables to gather real-time data and track progress.

Step 4.

We create a customized plan

Using health records and data from wearable sensors, we develop a Whole Body Digital TwinTM of the member's metabolism, along with a dynamic plan based on needs and preferences. These are all viewable in the Twin Health mobile app.

Step 5.

We provide ongoing feedback and support

Members reach their goals with the help of daily and then quarterly check-ins, education, and real-time, in-app insights on how nutrition, activity, sleep, and stress affect their metabolism.

Step 6.

Our partners achieve measurable value

Twin Health improves outcomes and lives, reducing the downstream impacts and related costs of unhealthy weight gain and chronic illnesses.

Who we serve


Support the people who support you with an innovative and equitable benefit designed to meet each individual’s needs. Our program combines an easy-to-use mobile app, the latest technology, and the support of a care team to help employees achieve sustainable weight loss goals and prevent (or reverse) prediabetes, type 2 diabetes, and expensive meds like GLP-1s.

Partner with Twin

Health Plans

One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to metabolic health, and fragmented point solutions don’t get the job done. Help members prevent or reverse common chronic metabolic conditions and lessen their reliance on medication with an evidence-based program made just for them. We offer a new pathway to address conditions, track progress, improve outcomes, and reduce spend.

Partner with Twin


There’s no magic formula for losing weight or addressing conditions like prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. But there is a scientific formula based on your unique metabolism that can help you achieve better health—for life. Enroll in Twin Health through your participating employer or health plan.

Enroll in Twin

Healthier, and happier too

Twin Health delivers results beyond the clinical—improving overall quality of life in measurable ways. Twin members experience:

An overall boost in mood and energy

Increased strength and flexibility

Better, more restorative sleep

Improved mental clarity and concentration

An enhanced sense of well-being

Real results for real people

Our program addresses the root cause of unhealthy weight gain, insulin resistance, and metabolic conditions on an individualized basis for sustainable outcomes and lower healthcare costs.

Partner with Twin